A week passed, and Lady Elaine had been permitted to indulge in almost perfect seclusion, but at length a message was sent to her announcing that Lady Gaynor wished to see her in her boudoir.

The servant who delivered it glanced pityingly at the black-robed figure, and told the shabbily-dressed butler a little later that the atmosphere would soon be sultry.

The butler smiled, as only an upper servant can smile, and remarked:

“We are hall hinterested in this last spec., John. Three years’ money owin’ to me, an’ not a stitch to my back, hardly. If her ladyship hadn’t hev explained, it meant a county court case for her.”

John smirked.

“It’s hin the boudoir, eh?” continued the butler. “Then that’s hominous.”

“How blood do tell,” said the footman. “I was hordered to deliver the message peremptory like, and you should hev seen the beautiful young lady’s eyes flash!”

“Look ’ere, don’t you take sides with her, John, because my back pay depends hon the winnin’ side being Lady Gaynor.”

The footman’s manner had seemed extremely rude to Lady Elaine, and Nina had strongly resented it by closing the door in his face.

It is true that Elaine had met one or two kindly inquiries with an exasperating indifference, and Lady Gaynor decided that it was time to show her authority.

Fully understanding that the servant’s manner was[Pg 106] but a reflection of that of his mistress, Lady Elaine promptly attended the summons, her blood raised to a white heat of indignation.

She paused momentarily at the half-open door of her ladyship’s boudoir, and immediately heard the soft, cooing tones of the woman she hated and distrusted.

“Is that you, child? Come in, and close the door after you. I am far from feeling well this morning, and the tiresome viscount has written to say that he is coming to dinner to-day. Will you sit down, please, Lady Elaine? Nothing makes me so uncomfortable as to see my friends standing about the rooms when I wish to talk to them.”

She sighed, and arranged the folds of her dirty dressing-gown, watching the girl at the same time from the corners of her eyes.

“Lady Gaynor,” Elaine said, haughtily, “I am here to learn what it is you wish to communicate to me. Mind you, I am not to be deceived by this outward complaisance after your bold attempt to humiliate me in the eyes of your servants!”

For a few moments the cool woman of the world was taken completely off her guard.

“My dear Elaine,” she said, aghast, “whatever are you driving at?”

Inwardly she reflected: “I have heard that she has a temper of her own, but it must be crushed! Backed by strong friends and perfect independence, the task might be a difficult one, but now—faugh!”

She eyed the angry girl with a glance that gradually deepened into a smile of bitterest contempt.